Solvent Suppression:

Suppress one solvent peak by using presat pulse sequence. Set satfrq, satpwr satdly to suppress the solvent peak. For efficient solvent suppression, set the the solvent peak on resonance by tof=satfrq.

Standard 1D Proton spectrum without solvent suppression.

Presaturation on the water peak by using presat.


Presaturation on the CH3 solvent peak by using presat.

Suppress two solvent peak by using presat pulse sequence, plus homo decoupling (dm='yyn').  Suppress  the first solvent peak  by setting satfrq, satpwr and satdly. Suppress the second peak by setting homo='y' dpwr=6 dn='H1' dof="solvent peak" dmm='c' dmf=20 and d1=0.

This technique requires two full band instrument. Some instrument is not allowed to set dn='H1'  when observe is set to tn=H1.