Newsletter  Volume 1| Issue 2a
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Healthcare Information
Choosing a Medigap Policy 

This is the official U.S. Government guide to choosing a policy

Click here to read

There is a "Star Rating" for insurers that is based on plan performance.  The Star Ratings can be a bit difficult to find, but here is a guide to find them:
Medicare Star Ratings

Healthcare Information from HR:
Healthcare Information from EUEC:

EUEC member Jim Keller has worked tirelessly over the last weeks to understand the choices to be made, to help lead information sessions at the Luce Center, and put together the following FAQs to help you make the best healthcare choice.  Also included below is a copy of the presentation he made at the Luce Center

Thanks to many of you who responded, there is a summary of the "bottom line" given by Jim, above, and what you have experienced with Medigap policies or with One Exchange.

How does One Exchange choose what products to offer?
August 15, 2014
This newsletter is sent to members and friends of the Emory University Emeritus College (EUEC).  This is a special short issue of the newsletter devoted to healthcare issues.

With best wishes,

Gray F. Crouse
Director, EUEC
HealthcareChanges in Health Care

Because the deadline for signing up for healthcare is approaching, I wanted to clarify two points about healthcare choices, one minor and one more substantial.

The more substantial issue concerns choosing  Medigap Plan F versus Medigap Plan N.  One of our members, Frank Gordon, did an analysis of the costs of the two plans and concluded that Medigap Plan N was likely cheaper for most members than a Medigap Plan F.  His analysis has been added to the end of the Member Experiences document.  I asked Sid Stein to look at the analysis and Sid concluded that the analysis was correct, but there are two important assumptions:  the member uses relatively few doctor visits per year and the healthcare providers take Medicare assignment (see the document for an explanation).  Emory Healthcare takes assignment, but not all providers do. 

This issue is related to the general insurance issue of what size deductible you want for your home and auto insurance--you pay less for higher deductibles, but are then potentially liable for higher expenses in the event of an accident.  One difference is that it is difficult to switch Medigap plans later--if you choose Plan N now, you might not be able to switch to a Plan F later; however if you invested the savings made by choosing Plan N now, those savings might pay (or more than pay) for greater expenses later. 

A minor clarification is that vision plans, whether obtained through Emory (the Emory vision plan is not available for retirees) or through One Exchange, only cover routine eye exams and equipment (lenses, frames, contacts, etc.).  More extensive eye exams, cataract treatment, etc. is covered by one's health insurance and not by the vision plan.  The Emory Eye Center does not accept any vision plan obtained through One Exchange (but does accept Medicare and Medigap Plans for all eye care except routine eye exams and equipment).

Emory University Emeritus College

The Luce Center
825 Houston Mill Road NE #206

Atlanta, GA 30329


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