July 26, 2004

Emory Faculty Offer Expertise on 2004 Presidential Campaign

The following Emory faculty, all veteran campaign watchers, are available to discuss the latest developments in the 2004 presidential campaign, from the primaries to what's on voters' minds.

Merle Black
National Elections/Southern Politics/Political Parties

Black, along with his twin brother Earl, is the foremost authority on politics in the South, particularly the rise of the Republican Party. One of the nation's most incisive commentators on Southern politics, Black is often called upon by national media to discuss American national government, Southern politics, and political parties and elections. Reach Black at 404-727-6570 or merle.black@emory.edu.

Alan Abramowitz
American Politics/Voting Behavior/Elections

Abramowitz is a nationally known expert on national politics and elections and the author of the newly published "Voice of the People: Elections and Voting in the United States." His expertise includes election forecasting models, party realignment in the United States, congressional elections and the effects of political campaigns on the electorate. He can discuss the Democratic primaries, polling results and the general outlook for the 2004 election season. Reach Abramowitz at 404-727-0108 or alan.abramowitz@emory.edu.

Drew Westen
Psychology/Analysis of Voter Behavior

Westen is director of clinical psychology at Emory University and holds a joint appointment as a professor in the departments of psychology, and psychiatry and behavioral science. Westen can provide a psychological analysis of political issues, including the psychology of voter behavior and the influence of non-verbal communication on their decision-making. Reach Westen at 404-727-7407 (w), 404-375-6639 (cell) or dwesten@emory.edu.

Joseph Crespino
Southern Politics/Rise of Conservatism in the South

Crespino is an assistant professor of history at Emory University specializing in 20th century Southern history and politics. He can discuss the development of the Republican Party in South Carolina, the rise of the two-party system in Southern politics, and the complicated role that race has played in the emergence of modern conservatism. Reach Crespino at 404-727-1955 (w) or jcrespi@emory.edu.

Robert A. Brown
African-American Voter Behavior

Robert Brown is assistant dean for Emory College and a political scientist specializing in African-American and urban politics, racial attitudes, race and American social policy, and urban poverty. Brown is available to talk about African-American voter behavior. Reach Brown at 404-727-6563 or robert.a.brown@emory.edu.

Michael Leo Owens
Religion and Politics/Urban Politics/Faith-based Initiatives

Owens is an assistant professor of political science and scholar in residence at Emory’s Office of University-Community Partnerships. His teaching and research interests include religion and public policy, urban politics, and community building and social change. He can discuss the role of religion and politics, including the role faith in developing a candidate’s agenda, urban politics and the influence of hip hop culture on urban politics. Reach Owens at 404-727-9322, 404-712-9689, or michael.leo.owens@emory.edu.

Micheal Giles
National Politics/Southern Politics and Populism/Racial Politics
Giles, Emory's Goodrich C. White Professor of Political Science, is a nationally renowned political scientist available to comment on many aspects of national politics, including courts as political institutions, racial politics and urban public policy. Previously chairman of Emory's political science department, he has served as president of the Southern Political Science Association, chairman of the law and courts section of the American Political Science Association and editor of the Journal of Politics. Reach Giles at 404-727-6565 or michael.giles@emory.edu.

Kenneth E. Thorpe, Ph.D.
Health Care Reform/Medicare/Malpractice Crisis

Thorpe is chairman of the department of health policy and management in the Rollins School of Public Health. He is a leading health policy commentator and analyst who can speak authoritatively about the projected cost and scope of all the leading Democratic and Republican proposals for health care reform, as well as Medicare expansion, tort reform, and the uninsurance debate. He can be reached at 404-727-3373 or kthorpe@sph.emory.edu.

Arthur Kellermann, M.D., MPH
Problems of the Uninsured/Hospital Capacity and Emergency Preparedness

Kellermann is chairman of the department of emergency medicine in the Emory University School of Medicine and co chairman of the Institute of Medicine's Committee on the Consequences of Uninsurance, which recently issued a call for universal health coverage by 2010. He can discuss the impact of 43 million uninsured Americans on the nation's health care system and hospitals. He is also an expert in emergency preparedness; the lack of "surge capacity" for dealing with epidemics and mass casualty incidents, including bioterrorism; and injury control from a public health standpoint. He can be reached at 404-778-2600 or akell01@sph.emory.edu.

P. Barry Ryan, M.D.
Air Pollution/Environmental Contamination/General Environmental Health
Ryan is a professor and director of laboratories for environmental and occupational health in Emory's Rollins School of Public Health. His expertise is in air pollution, environmental contamination and general environmental health, including measuring total individual exposure to pollutants through air and food and their effects on people's health. He can be reached at 404-727-3826 or bryan@sph.emory.edu.

Howard Frumkin, M.D.
Public Health/Air Pollution Regulation/Transportation/Urban Sprawl/Global Climate Change
Frumkin is the chairman of environmental and occupational health for Emory's Rollins School of Public Health and one of the nation's leading public health experts. He can discuss environmental issues that have adverse health implications, including air pollution regulation, the transportation bill, urban sprawl and global climate change. He can be reached at 404-727-0196 or medhf@sph.emory.edu.

Robert R. Rich, M.D.
Stem Cell Research

Rich is the executive associate dean for research and strategic initiatives at Emory University School of Medicine and past president of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology. He can comment on the critical need for new stem cell lines for research in developing treatments for debilitating diseases, such as Alzheimer's, that have proven elusive to medical scientists. To reach Rich, contact Holly Korschun at 404-727-3990 (o) or 404-808-0226 (c) or email her at hkorsch@emory.edu or Ron Sauder at 404-727-3366 (o) or 404-686-5500 Pic 14570 (p) or email him at rsauder@emory.edu.



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