Release date: Nov. 28, 2005
Contact: Elaine Justice at 404-727-0643 or

Emory's Bianchi Comments on Vatican Document on Gays

A new Vatican document that would ban most gay men from the priesthood is a distraction from the central internal problem of the Catholic Church, which is mandatory celibacy, says Emory University's Eugene Bianchi, professor emeritus of religion.

Bianchi says the document's pronouncement on sexual orientation "deflects from the central issue" and "ignores the link between church governance and the sexual questions, especially mandatory celibacy, which is the linchpin of Vatican control/power over the church."

The document excludes from the priesthood those "who are actively homosexual, have deep-seated homosexual tendencies, or support the so-called 'gay culture.'" The document does allow ordination of those who experienced only "transitory" homosexual tendencies, which must have been "clearly overcome" for at least three years before they can be ordained as a deacon, the step immediately prior to priesthood.

If the document is taken seriously, says Bianchi, "it would depress gay recruitment, especially among liberal gays. It might also cause seminary and ordained gays to leave. Then there is the problem of detecting gay from very gay, whatever that could mean. This could lead to much duplicity."

Bianchi, a former Jesuit, is the co-author of "Passionate Uncertainty: Inside the American Jesuits." He can be reached at 404-712-8835 or

Mark Jordan, Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Religion, also is available to comment on the effects of a Vatican ban on gay sexual orientation as a litmus test for the priesthood. Jordan is the author of "Blessing Same Sex Unions: The Perils of Queer Romance and the Confusions of Christian Marriage," "The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism" and "Telling Truths in Church: Scandal, Flesh and Christian Speech." He can be reached at 404-727-6002 or


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