• Two to five months:

· smiles and coos

· watches a person's face intently

· eyes follow people and objects

· laughs out loud

· lifts head and chest when on stomach

· independently holds head steady when pulled to sit

· able to roll over

· startles when hears a loud sound


• Six to nine months:

· babbles and begins to combine vowel consonant sounds (for example, “dadadada”)

· turns to locate the source of a sound

· able to sit independently

· transfers objects from hand to hand

· supports weight on feet when held in an upright position

· uses the thumb and fingers to pick up small objects

· crawls (supports weight on hands and knees rather than pulling along in a semi-lying position)

· understands simple questions

· stands while holding walls


• Ten to twelve months:

· carries out a simple action on
verbal request

· purposefully says “mama” and/or “dada” as a greeting or to call a parent

· learning to walk without support

· independently moves across the floor to get a desired object

· babbling nonsense sentences

· tries to communicate by pointing or reaching

· turns the pages of a board or thick plastic book

· visually and manually explores toys, revealing a growing curiosity

· indicates recognition of familiar people

· uses both hands equally well

· drinks and eats by self


Courtesy of the Emory Department of Pediatrics



© 2006 Emory University