Summer 1999 Emory Magazine

Volume 75
Number 2

Commencement 1999

"May we here today be exhilarated"

Five Receive Honorary Degrees
154th Commencement Facts

Student Awards
Brittain Award: Cameron N. Welborn '99L
McMullan Award: Brant D. Brown '99C

Ones to Watch
Brian M. Oubre'99C
Katrina R. Samuels '99C
Stephanie M. Denton '99C

Kenya K. Hansford '99B
Jason R. Howard '99B

Oxford College Commencement
Millennial musings
"You have given us yourself"

Who Runs Georgia?

Postcard from the Past

Back Cover
The Carlos kylix

Also at the Michael C. Carlos Museum:

"So Many Brilliant Talents: Art and Craft in the Age of Rubens."

September 17, 1999-
January 9, 2000


"So Many Brilliant Talents: Art and Craft in the Age of Rubens"


The Carlos kylix


This fifth-century B.C. red-figure kylix or drinking cup, decorated with scenes from a Greek symposion, is a gift from Emory benefactor Michael C. Carlos to the museum that bears his name. It is on display until October 3 with two similar kylikes, a vase, and some pottery fragments on loan from museums in Princeton and Tampa. The symposion was an important Greek social, political, and religious institution at which participants engaged in dialogue, sang, played musical instruments, and performed religious rituals--activities depicted on the Carlos kylix by the artist known as "the painter of the Paris Gigantomachy," after his most famous work. The Carlos kylix is one of the finest and best-preserved examples of this artist's work.




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