Emory Report
April 22, 1996
Volume 48, No. 30
Campus News
Newt Gingrich exhorts students to protect the future, take civic responsibility
Chemistry's Dennis Liotta named vice president for research
Campus police urge caution after indecent exposure incidents
Senate supports plan to create standard retiree benefits program
Nursing school seminar to address health care issues in Africa
The Olympics Report: Patient care facilities make special plans for summer
Thompson breaks two records at Invitational
Conference examines mystery of rising intelligence scores
Coke stock split could boost Emory's endowment value
Issues in progress: University Senate, President's Commission on the Status of Women
Carter Center Update: Interfaith Training Program strengthens link between faith and health
President's Commission sponsors town hall on L/G/B issues
The Weekly Campus Calendar
First Person: Re-examining the impact of no-fault divorce
Profile: Kathy George plays music with country/folk flavor
Provost Frye comments on review procedure
Bright to step down from administrative duties
Voices of Emory: Do you think tobacco should be treated as a drug?
Scholarship and Research
Robert Frederick among first to perform new knee treatment
Hispanic patients face language barriers in emergency care
Research Briefs: New surgical approach for children with glaucoma; Grant funds study of Jewish law, religion, family
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