A Lexicon of Neologisms.  Mikhail Epstein (Emory University)






etceteric  adj  (from etcetera, "and so forth") -  of or pertaining to the "etcetera" rubric, one among "the others," "the like," "the rest," not deserving to be named individually; marginal, anonymous, obscure.


I'm afraid you have never heard about Andrew Lynch. No, he is not an  esoteric writer. He is simply an etceteric writer.


Alan has worked in zoology for almost forty years, and he still remains an etceteric researcher. Isn't this a shame? Let's find a way to give some tribute to him.


Kaluga is not an etceteric Russian provincial town, it is known for the best preserved  cityscape and architecture of the 19th century.



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eventify v  trans  (from event )– to fill with events, to make more eventful.


Do you want to eventify your life? To make it fuller and  more exciting? Come travel with us.


Let's think how we could eventify our next vacation.


You know I love you but our relationship is becoming a routine. I'm looking for some ways to eventify it.


 It seems desirable to eventify one's life, but this  might prove  distracting or even destructive for life itself.


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ex  v  trans (from the Lat-derived prefix ex, "out of,"  as in ex-president, ex-husband) – to render outdated, make obsolete, relegate to the past.


He exed his girlfriend and now feels lonely and almost desperate.


Those prone to exing others, must be ready to be exed.


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to ride the edge - to be ahead in a certain field, to be on a cutting edge and take all the risks of being first and  leading others


A recent graduate in quantum physics, Amalia now rides the edge of nanotechnology.                                                 


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veery  adj  (blend of very and veer) – a  superlative, emphatic form of "very"; to the highest possible degree, in the fullest possible sense.  The meaning of this term is also associated with the verb "to veer" (to turn around, change direction, shift, from Lat  vibrare, vibrate).  Accordingly, it implies "this changes  everything,"  "this makes a huge difference,"  "vibrantly," "crucially," "decisively."


Thank you veery much!

This is a veery important paper.

She is veery beautiful.

         Veery truly yours.




                                    PreDictionary. A Lexicon of Neologisms