A Lexicon of Neologisms.  Mikhail Epstein (Emory University)




chronocide  n (Gr khronos, time + Lat cidum, from caedere, to slay; cf. genocide, homicide, parricide)  -  the murder of time,  the violent interruption of historical succession and continuity.


Any revolution is a form of chronocide: the past and present are sacrificed to the future. Any counterrevolution is also a chronocide: the present and the future are sacrificed to the past. 


Communism is a chronocide: it destroys traditions in its leap to the chimeric future. Fascism is a chronocide: it brings society under the spell of the mythic past.



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chronocracy  n  (Gr khronos, time + Gr kratia, power or rule) rule by the laws of time and by the force of temporality; a form of government imposing time constraints on all authorities and stipuLatg the necessity for periodic change of leaders and transfer of powers on all levels.


Under chronocracy, social life is determined by the regular replacement of political, scientific, economic, and cultural trends, methods, fashions, and personnel in certain periods of time.  Presidents, computers, car models, artistic trends, dress cuts, textbooks have to change periodically to maintain their authoritative status as "new."


Who rules in America, demos or chronos? America is a chronocracy no less than a democracy, with a rigid system of enforced change on all levels, from political leaders to dress fashions and technological designs.


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chronomania n (Gr khronos, time + Gr mania, obsession,  madness; cf. megalomania, balletomania)  - obsession with time  and speed; inclination to utilize every moment and to submit one's life to a total time control.


America suffers from chronomania. Faster, faster, faster! Why not pause in tranquility to see where we stand and consider the future to which we have been rushing headlong?


Chronomania may become dangerous for your mental health. Try to find a different focus of life,  apart from schedules and deadlines.



chronomaniac  n (Gr khronos, time + Gr mania, obsession,  madness; cf. nymphomaniac)  - a person obsessed with time and speed; one who attempts to live faster and to control time up to the smallest units.


A synonym: timenik  n (time + suffix –nik; cf. peacenik)


He is a chronomaniac. He looks at his watch every minute.


All my colleagues are crazy timeniks. No one has a minute for a human conversation.


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chronopathy  n (Gr khronos, time + Gr patheia, suffering) –  a temporality disorder, a deficiency of time sense;  inability to manage time, to comply with schedules, etc.


Chronopathy is the undiagnosed cause of many social disorders and career failures.


Chronopathy can be compared to blindness or dyslexia. As a severe impairment of the time orientation ability, it should be treated as a psychological condition rather than a moral deficiency.  


chronopath  n (Gr khronos, time + Gr patheia, suffering) – a person who suffers from chronopathy, a disorder of time sensibility.


chronopathic  adj. – characterized  by chronopathy.


Why are you always late? Are you a chronopath?


He has no ill intentions or disrespect when he misses one appointment after another.  Since childhood, he has been severely chronopathic.




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chronosome n (Gr khronos, time + Gr soma, body; cf. chromosome) –  a unit of historical heredity, in contrast with a chromosome as a unit of biological heredity;  a mental code of a historical period that is transmitted to subsequent generations through styles,  traditions, and "cultural air."


The chronosomes of the early 20th c. avant-garde reached the generation of the 1960s and shaped its political views and artistic styles.


This generation of the 2000s has  different chronosomes than we had in the 1990s.


The chronosomic analysis of Finnegans Wake lays bare multiple  mythological sources and images of ancient chronicles in Joyce's enigmatic prose.



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uchronia n (Gr ou, not + Gr khronos, time; literally "no time"; cf. utopia, "no place) – a historical condition when "nothing happens," a time of stagnation.


As soon as utopia finds its fulfilment in history, it turns into  uchronia, a disruption of history itself.          



                  PreDictionary. A Lexicon of Neologisms