Society for the Study of Russian Religious Thought


1. The name of this organization shall be: SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF RUSSIAN RELIGIOUS THOUGHT.

II. Objectives

2. The Society unites persons involved in the study of Russian religious thought and its interaction with other spheres of culture. The work of the Society is based on the complete freedom of scholarly inquiry and does not privilege any particular confession or philosophical system.

3. The Society has the following goals:

(1)to organize panels, conferences, and lectures, and to promote other forms of scholarly activity;

(2)to publish works of its members related to the subject;

(3)to co-operate with scholars from other countries in their research projects.

III. Membership

4. The Society is composed of: a)members, b)honorary members, and c)associate members.

5. Members may be those individuals who hold a Master's degree or its equivalent in philosophy, theology, religious studies or other related disciplines and who have published works or are involved in research and teaching in the field.

6. Candidates for honorary members are proposed by the Board of Officers to the general meeting and are elected by a majority of two thirds by secret ballot. Candidates do not have to be members of the Society. Honorary members have the right to a deciding vote at the general meeting. They are distinguished scholars in the field and/or Russian religious thinkers, philosophers.

7. Associate membership is open to all individuals or organizations interested in the activity of the Society and in the furtherance of its goals. Associate members participate in all of the activities of the Society on an equal basis with other members. At the general meeting, they have the right of discussion, but no vote.

IY. Governance

8. The activities of the Society are governed by: a)the general meeting, and b)the Board of Officers.

9. General meetings take place on a regular or an extraordinary basis. At the regular meetings, elections by secret ballot take place for the chairman and the members of the Board of Officers, and for honorary members. Questions listed on the agenda are discussed and the activities of the old Board of Officers are reviewed. Instructions for the new Board of Officers are worked out.

10.Extraordinary meetings are convened on the initiative of the Board of Officers or when no less than ten regular members so file.

11.The general meeting is considered to be properly constituted when one third of the Society's members are present. In the absence of a quorum, the meeting is considered to be properly constituted a half-hour after the scheduled opening time in the presence of any number of members. Also under certain circumstances and for the convenience of the members general meetings may be held in a form of e-mail conferences.

12.The Board of Officers of the Society consists of a chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer. They are elected by secret ballot for a term of two years. To make valid the decisions taken by the Board, no less than three directors and either the chairman or a vice-chairman must be present at a Board meeting.

Y. Amendments & Dissolution

13.The bylaws may be amended or revised after the proposal of the Board of Officers by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present at a meeting designed for that purposes.

14.In case of dissolution of the Society, the decision regarding such action must be accepted by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Officers. The latter will also determine to whom the property and the archives of the Society shall be turned over.