Summer 1999 Emory Magazine

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Complete our surveys as we shape the direction of Emory Magazine and EMOnline.

Cleaner lines. Easier to handle. We're sculpting the prototype for a redesigned Emory Magazine. What would you like to see?

Help us compile a list of important events at Emory during the last century. Results will appear in the Winter 2000 issue.

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Catch up on campus news

In Brief

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Alumni News
Catch up with your classmates

Jameson Currier ’77C

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The Back Cover
An Emory snapshot

The Carlos Kylix


 Commencement 1999

"May we here today
Be Exhilarated"

Graduates at the University's 154th Commencement have the Reich stuff
By Sharla A. Paul

Who Runs Georgia? More than fifty years ago, in the wake of a legendary political crisis, two Emory alumni painted a dark portrait of a state in turmoil
By Krista Reese



Emory Magazine over the years

Summer 1998
Spring 1998
Winter 1998

Autumn 1997

Summer 1997

Spring 1997

Winter 1997

Autumn 1996

Summer 1996

Spring 1996

Winter 1996

Autumn 1995

Summer 1995

Spring 1995

- - - - - - - - - - - - Staff
The people behind your magazine

Andrew W.M. Beierle

Associate Editor
Sharla A. Paul

Art Director
Michael Hooten

Director of Photography
Ann Borden

Allison O. Adams
Greg Fulton
Krista Reese




Emory University | Summer 1999 Contents | Emory Magazine home | In Brief | Archives | Contact Us

Emory Magazine is published quarterly by the Office of University Periodicals of Emory University,
1655 North Decatur Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30322,
and is distributred free to all alumni and to parents of undergraduates,
as well as to other friends of the University.
Send address changes to Emory Magazine c/o
Alumni Fund Office, 795 Gatewood Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30322.
©1999, Emory University.