November 17, 2003

PCSW updated on Mentor Emory program

By Stephanie Sonnenfeld

The President's Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW) revisited the status of the Mentor Emory program it helped create last year during the group's Nov. 6 meeting. Pat Douglass, assistant vice president for Human Resources, was invited to update members.

Mentor Emory, a mentoring program for female staff, began in July 2002. Since its initial run, the program has matched 22 mentor/mentee pairs, with the need for at least six more mentors. For the program to grow, resources--both human and financial--are needed, said Douglass, who added that any help would be welcome and to contact her directly with any suggestions.

In other business, junior chair Susan Gilbert said she informed the Provost Search Committee that PCSW had no nominations for candidates but would be happy to help recommend a finalist, once the search has reached that stage.

Marietta Collins from the faculty concerns committee said the group is receiving data from the School of Medicine for the PCSW Gender Equity report, which examines the representation and hiring of women faculty, and faculty attrition and salaries by gender. To date, data from pediatrics and surgery have been provided.

Elaine Gossett from the staff concerns committee reported that Cheryl Elliott from the Emory Police Department spoke to the group last month about identity theft, and a representative from the Faculty Staff Assistance Program will speak at the December meeting on workplace stress. The group also is working with the student concerns committee to revise the Emory Women's Handbook to cater to both students and staff.

Allison Dykes from the women and leadership committee announced that a graduate student, Jennifer Shaw, has been hired to help in the group's ongoing study of women and leadership at peer institutions.

Student concerns undergraduate chair Nicole Faurot and graduate chair Maggie Juliano (appointed as a PCSW member earlier in the meeting) said the group is continuing its work on updating existing sexual harassment and assualt materials.

PSCW will meet again on Thursday, Dec. 4, at 3:30 p.m. in 400 Administration.

If you have a question or concern for PCSW, contact chair Kim Smith at