
March 15, 2010


Cardinal Kasper on speaking of God

“It is time to speak of God, to testify and to think about God.” That was the essence of Cardinal Walter Kasper’s March 2 lecture.

“Theology means rational responsibility for speaking of God,” he said. “Christian theology therefore has to speak of the God who appeared to Moses in the burning bush, of the ‘God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob’ and of the ‘God of Jesus Christ’.”

Noting that “the main Christian churches today no longer have difficulty in reconciling creation and evolution,” Kasper said the question of political freedom has become much more controversial than the freedom of science.

“The Church,” he said, “does not find her identity by anxiously closing her doors and windows, but by opening them and entering into dialogue with other faiths, never abandoning her own faith but making it inviting, convincing, lively and fruitful.”

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