
March 15, 2010


'Now is the time for women to roar'

The economic crisis offers “a rare and unique opportunity,” according to Women for Women International co-founder Zainab Salbi, “to roar as a single voice.”

The author, activist and social entrepreneur gave the Jessica Glasser Memorial Lecture and the Ali P. Crown Lecture to kick off Women’s History Month March 1.

Salbi urges women to “roar together” with a single message: “That women must be fully contributing to the macro economic strategies” with “full inclusion of women at the decision-making table.”

Salbi says “putting the economic argument first for a partnership between men and women for more stability in the world” is the way to go.

“One woman can change many things, but many women can change everything. This is a time for us to change everything — not fighting about which cause is more important.”

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