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New format makes for jazzy Convocation: Accompanied by an unidentified—and, unfortunately, deceased—dogfish shark, Goodrich C. White Professor of English Ron Schuchard delivered the featured address at Freshman Convocation, Aug. 27 in Glenn Auditorium. Schuchard’s speech, titled “The Shark’s Ear,” was a sincere yet lighthearted call to the Class of 2006 to find and celebrate its passion. Often a structured and formal occasion, this year’s Convocation was more festive than previous years and gave several faculty members the opportunity to creatively feature their work. The shark, while an integral part of the ceremony, declined comment. Click here or above for the full story. Photo by Jon Rou.



Ebony Thomas (second from left) of Decatur, Ala., is one of the more than 1,250 members of the Class of 2006. She and her family, (l-to-r) brother Frankie and parents Frank and Janet, arrived on campus Saturday, Aug. 24, for freshman move-in. Unpacking was the first step of a weekend that included a variety of cultural and academic activities geared toward easing the transition to college. Photo by Jon Rou.




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