
June 14, 2011


National media seek out voices of Emory

Emory faculty, staff and students made their mark in national media this spring and early summer on a number of topics. Here are some of the highlights.

Monkey memory: Research published by psychology graduate student Benjamin Basile that demonstrated monkeys may have advanced memory powers and an ability to recall shapes and patterns was covered by numerous outlets, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, New Scientist, the International Herald Tribune and 

Inside Higher Ed did a feature, "Translating 'grad student' into English," on the Emory web portal showcasing doctoral dissertations produced by Ph.D.s this past year to communicate how that knowledge is having an impact on the world. 

Talk it out: "Most good therapists are good listeners…A lot of psychotherapy is difficult," Scott Lilienfeld told NPR in an interview about how to find a good therapist and avoid dangerous or ineffective therapy.  "Part of the role of a good psychotherapist is persuasion. It's getting a person to understand why they should change."

Glad to be here: Theology professor Brent Strawn spoke with CNN on May 22 about the belief by some that May 21, 2011, would mark the end of the world. "This sort of calendarization about the end times is misconstrued and wrong-headed… people need to know that Christianity is a complex phenomenon and that these sorts of groups that attach specific dates are very few and rare and they don't represent the mainstream of Christianity," he said.

Law professor Dorothy Brown was interviewed by NPR's "Marketplace" about states levying fees on services to close budget shortfalls.

Tom Smith, assistant professor of finance, told the New York Times that Georgia businesses were bracing for the impact of the state's new immigration law. Some studies suggest that Arizona's law has cost the state as much as $250 million in convention business, and "people are looking at the history in Arizona and thinking, 'Could a law in Georgia could have the same impact?...We're waiting to see whether that will happen in Georgia now."

Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies Deborah Lipstadt and her new book, "The Eichmann Trial," have received wide acclaim this past spring, including a book review in the New York Times, and interviews with NPR and several other outlets. 

CNN International featured Emory in a story about colleges coming to terms with their slave-owning pasts, and included comments by history professor and Transforming Community Project co-founder Leslie Harris.

Kevin Yehl, a second-year Ph.D. student in biomolecular chemistry, talked with the Chronicle of Higher Education about his experience in a new course, "Communicating Science," designed to teach graduate students in the hard sciences how to write and talk about their discipline to a lay audience.

Emory professor David Eltis was interviewed by CNN International for a feature on his "African Origins" project tracing the identities of Africans brought to the Americas during the slave trade. Identifying Africa's slave trade victims_

Andy Wilson, director of residence life at Emory, talked with USA Today about Emory's Spanish house for a story on language immersion programs on college campuses. Wilson said some native speakers live in the house as well as people who are trying to acquire fluency or proficiency. "The program differs from year to year as to the community standards about speaking Spanish in the house," he said. "Some years Spanish is the only language spoken in the house and then there are other years where English is allowed during certain hours."

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