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Big names highlight big event for Emory: In his Reconciliation Symposium keynote address, Congressman John Lewis (shown with President Bill Chace) said the civil rights struggle never ends. “To succeed, we must dedicate ourselves to reconciliation every hour of every day of every week of every year,” he said. Click here or above for the full story. Photo by Kay Hinton.

  • Briefs: Carter Center hosts ski weekend, Emory presents Japanese film series.

Above and beyond the call of duty: Neither rain, nor sleet nor snow was going to keep Payroll Manager Joleen Mitchell (center) from getting out the Dec. 29, 2000, biweekly payroll. In fact, just the threat of bad weather on the heels of the Dec. 19 snowstorm convinced Mitchell, Payroll Supervisor Janey McNeil (left) and Payroll Coordinator Christina King to spend the night at the Emory Inn on Dec. 21 so they could be sure to make it to their offices to run the payroll on Dec. 22. With the Christmas holidays, approaching the payroll had to be processed on Dec. 22 so there would be time for the biweekly paychecks and direct deposits to be processed by the bank.Mitchell reports they had a nice dinner at the Inn, and McNeil and King then went to the gym for a workout. These payroll heroines were nominated by David Thurston, assistant vice president and bursar. If you know someone at Emory who has gone "Above and Beyond the Call of Duty ," send an e-mail to Photo by Jon Rou.





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