January 16, 2011
WorkLife Center offers finance workshops "Finance Matters," a series of Friday workshops from the Emory WorkLife Resource Center, is a financial education program designed for staff and faculty.
An advanced workshop on planning trusts and estates is Jan. 21. “Estate Planning Essentials II – Trusts and Estate Tax Planning” covers estate tax rates, advanced directives and powers of attorney, wills, different types of trusts and more. “Tax Essentials Part I” will be Jan. 28, covering general tax preparation and planning and recent tax law changes.
On Feb. 4, “Getting Ready for Retirement” offers help in developing a financial strategy for post-work life.
“Investments Basics” will provide the first-steps knowledge of investing. To learn the difference between a stock and a bond and more, attend this Feb. 11 workshop. Part II of “Getting Fiscally Fit” on Feb. 28 has ways protect individuals and their families from catastrophic loss and wealth-destroying events.
All workshops are held in Harland Cinema in the Dobbs University Center from noon to 1 p.m.
Sessions are free but registration is required.