February 28, 2011
Two upcoming workshops from the Author Development Program in the Center for Faculty Development and Excellence will give insider tips and perspective on pitching book proposals and writing for science journals.
A "Book Proposal Workshop," for faculty who have an idea for a book that may appeal to broad audience and are considering using a literary agent, will be Wednesday, March 16, at noon in Room 200 of White Hall.
Writer and editor Elizabeth Gallu will lead a discussion about how to write effective book proposals for nonfiction projects.
Under discussion will be:
• The general format of proposals for pitching books targeted to a general audience.
• Embedded scenes;
• Marketing plans; and
• The process of researching and submitting to literary agents.
Participants can bring lunch to this informal workshop. RSVP to Elizabeth Gallu.
"Writing and Revising Articles for Science Journals: A Panel Discussion," will be Thursday, March 24, at 4 p.m. in Room 2001 of the Claudia Nance Rollins Building.
A panel of Emory researchers who have served as editors of science journals will discuss:
• Common mistakes researchers in the sciences makes when submitting to journals;
• Features that distinguish articles that get past the first round of scrutiny; and
• Effective use of feedback from peer reviewers.
Ora Strickland of the School of Nursing, John Nickerson of the School of Medicine, and Elaine Walker of Emory College of Arts and Sciences are panelists.
RSVP to Amy Benson Brown.