April 11, 2011
"The use of tobacco is one of the leading preventable health risks worldwide. Allowing the use of tobacco on Emory's campus runs counter to our knowledge of the significant health risks, especially in light of Emory's role as an institution of higher education and as a health care provider," says Vice President of Human Resources Peter Barnes. "Emory promotes a wellness and prevention culture and the use of tobacco is inconsistent with this culture."
A task force studying the feasibility of a tobacco-free campus policy — effective this fall — offers answers to several of the frequently asked questions related to the proposed policy:
What area would be covered by the tobacco-free policy?
Emory's tobacco-free policy would apply to all University and Emory Healthcare properties.
How would this policy be enforced?
Enforcement of the policy is one area that the Task Force is studying now. Since the tobacco-free policy is a community health initiative, ultimately the entire Emory community would be responsible for its enforcement. Enforcement would be premised on courteous reinforcement of the policy by University peers, by encouraging those who smoke to stop smoking and by creating an environment where potential new smokers never start to use tobacco.
What is Emory currently doing to assist those who smoke and want to quit?
A significant part of Emory's initiative to become a tobacco-free campus involves tobacco cessation resources and programs for students, faculty and staff. Student Health & Counseling Services has compiled a list of resources for tobacco-use cessation, and more.
What other schools are tobacco-free?
At least 500 colleges and universities prohibit the use of tobacco on their campuses, including the University of Kentucky, University of Arkansas, University of Oregon, University of Michigan (effective this summer) and Washington University in St. Louis. See a list of tobacco-free campuses (PDF).
Visit www.tobaccofree.emory.edu to learn more, and to share feedback.
Emory launches website on tobacco-free initiative (Emory Report April 7, 2011)
Tobacco-free campus being explored (Emory Report March 16, 2011)
Join a focus group
Faculty and staff: Share your perspective on Emory's proposed tobacco-free policy at faculty and staff focus groups held throughout April (PDF).