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Emory toasts its 89th birthday at banquet:
President Jim Wagner caps the Charter Day banquet, Monday, Jan. 26, by lighting the birthday cake celebrating the 89th anniversary of the signing of Emory’s Charter. More than 400 guests attended this year’s banquet, and they were entertained by music from two a cappella singing groups (The Gathering and No Strings Attached), inspired by senior Dana Weston’s optimistic speech, and challenged by College and School of Law alumnus Walter Beckham, who pledged to donate the cost of one year’s tuition for one undergraduate student and called on all Emory alumni to do the same.
Photo by Kay Hinton.


Water infiltration due a clogged roof drain washed out the men’s and women’s basketball games at the P.E. Center, Sunday, Jan. 25 (they were moved to the SAAC). Water had collected on the gym floor and in other areas, and lining plastic containers like those shown above to catch drips was one of the first things done to prevent damage. By Monday, the P.E. center was fully occupied and a new plan to monitor the center during rain was drawn up.
Photo by Jon Rou.




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