Campus News

August 23, 2010

Emory launches mobile suite of apps

Emory Mobile, a collection of smartphone apps, gives students, staff, faculty and visitors the ability to navigate campus, browse event calendars, get the latest news, find contact information, identify a place to eat and more.

The recently launched Emory Mobile is currently available for the iPhone. BlackBerry and browser-based mobile website (WAP) versions are coming soon.

Look up contact information, dining locations and more

The full suite of Emory Mobile apps allows users to:

• Look up Emory faculty, staff and students contact information, connect via e-mail or phone, then store the information.

• Search for Atlanta and Oxford campus buildings by name or address and view the relative location on GPS-enabled devices.

• Look up Atlanta campus dining locations.

• Search Emory Libraries catalogs and contact a librarian.

• Get Emory news, including Emory Report, The Emory Wheel and individual school news.

• Browse the Emory calendar on and dozens of other campus calendars.

• Get Emory YouTube content.

• Follow Emory Eagles varsity teams with news, schedules and real-time scores.

Office of Information Technology (OIT) and the Office of Communications and Marketing developed Emory Mobile in partnership with Blackboard Mobile, a division of Blackboard Inc.

“Given the incredible growth of the use of mobile devices, we wanted to make it easy for our campus visitors, particularly prospective students and their families, to access information that they want and need,” says Ron Sauder, vice president of communications and marketing. “The campus maps app, for example, will be a valuable resource for visitors and the Emory community alike, as will the campus events calendar, news feed, arts and athletic information and more.”.

“Mobile devices are quickly becoming the preferred tool for accessing relevant, localized information,’ says Rich Mendola, vice president of information technology and chief information officer. “Emory Mobile is the first manifestation of work that is underway to move our key systems and services to the leading mobile devices.  Our goal is to make information more accessible for our customers and to streamline academic and business transactions across Emory.”

Discussions are under way for the next version of Emory Mobile to include course descriptions, times and locations; shuttle bus routes and locations; a guided walking tour of campus; Oxford dining locations; and emergency alert notifications.

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