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EN-ACTE group tackles tough teenage problems: Members of the Emory-based theater company EN-ACTE, (from left) Lauren Weiniger, Atira Goodwin, Pamela Gray and Afrika Cotten, rehearse a scene from a 45-minute show they present to high-school-age children that deals frankly and realistically with controversial issues like safe sex and sexual identity. The company, which features actors ranging in age from 15 to 24, writes and choreographs all its sketches. Click here or above for the full story. Photo by Jon Rou.







Campers unite! Over the summer, the students criss-crossing campus get ... well, a bit younger. Sports camps take over and most every activity is represented: soccer, baseball, tennis, softball volleyball, general fitness and wresting are just some of the offerings. Instructors and chaperones include not only Emory coaches and current and former players, but Atlanta metro-area coaches and even former campers who have now grown into adulthood. Above, a young soccer camper contemplates his next move on the field. Photo by Jon Rou.





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